We are not currently booking live music.
Want to play The Underground?
Here's how it works:
What you're responsible for:
Postering, word of mouth, social media
Someone to run the door
Coordination & communication with the supporting band
Showing up at designated load-in/ out times
What we're responsible for:
Facebook event creation
Instagram post
Street front Marquee sign
Sound tech & bartender
PA system
Cashbox with float
Venue cleanup
The Nitty Gritty:
Bands will remit the first 200.00 of admissions to help cover the cost of running the venue.
If bar sales exceed 500.00, remittance drops to 100.00
If bar sales exceed 1000.00, remittance is negated
A maximum of 3 bands per bill are allowed
Performers are eligible for 1/2 price beverages throughout the performance.
**Please note** The Underground Cafe is a destination venue. We do not put on shows on a scheduled basis and therefore no walk-in traffic can be counted on.
This means that marketing your show is essential.
We look forward to hearing from you, and look forward to delivering a great sounding show in an intimate and unique environment!